A Note from Becky
I would like to personally welcome you to this program, and also thank you for investing in yourself! Within the Solid to the Core program, I will be sharing my experiences as a physical therapist and horseperson that I have found to be the most effective ways to manage back pain, posture issues, and core weakness. No matter the discipline, one key to riding well is staying strong, flexible and active.
My goal for this program is to get you tools that you can use to manage pain, stiffness, and weakness before it becomes out of hand and keep you from doing the things you love. Before beginning the course, please complete the following:
- Download the Exercise Handouts and have them close as you are going through the exercise videos.
- Within the videos we show you beginner level exercises and then progressions as you gain strength and ability.
- The exercises are most effective when done in the order that they are presented.
- If at any time you experience increased pain or numbness and tingling into your extremities, please stop the exercise, review the instructions to insure that you are performing it correctly. If the increased pain or tingling persists, please contact your physician or physical therapist.
Best wishes,
Becky Pearson